Balkan Services Ltd.

As an IT consulting company, Balkan Services has always been aware of the need for business management software (ERP) and has been using it since its inception. Gradually, the company implemented other software solutions such as a Business Intelligence system (for business analysis), project management software and timesheets, resource planning software, CRM and others.


Project description

Balkan Services has implemented the # 1 cloud business management solution - NetSuite. The system includes the following modules and functionalities:

  • CRM - serves the process "Lead to Order";

  • Project Management - management of different types of projects (internal, external with customers and suppliers);

  • Resource Allocation - manages resource planning and makes timely comparisons with actual performance;

  • Timesheets Management - managing the work of employees on projects, tasks and CRM activities;

  • Contract Management - management of contracts for goods and services on a subscription basis;

  • Project Charge Billing - management of types of projects according to the way of invoicing the services performed on them, with the possibility to introduce rules for the calculation of hours worked on a project with different price rates;

  • Finance and FAM - full financial management of the company, accounting under IAS (International Accounting Standards), distribution and redistribution of expenses by departments and projects, Fixed Assets Management, integration with payroll software, balance sheet, cash flow statement and software at any time, VAT, Intrastat, integration with BNB for daily withdrawal of central exchange rates, etc.;

  • Marketing management - creation of marketing campaigns and analysis;

  • Dunning letters - generating reminder letters for overdue invoices;

  • Business Intelligence - generating reports on key indicators that show in real time the results of all processes in the company.

Company benefits

  • Management of all business processes through a single system;

  • Increasing the efficiency of all departments by concentrating their work in one software;

  • Easy to use solution, accessible from any device and location, without additional costs for IT infrastructure. Provided access at any time and trouble-free remote work of employees;

  • Tracking and managing all stages of the sales process;

  • Reducing the time for concluding and renewing contracts on a subscription basis, concerning licenses and services, as well as minimizing possible errors in Upsell and Downsell to a current contract;

  • Facilitated planning of the tasks under current projects, full traceability of their implementation and comparison of plan and real result;

  • Improving the process of resource planning and implementation analysis at each level of business development;

  • Full traceability and accountability of the work on each project;

  • Automation of the process of issuing invoices on the basis of hours entered by employees on a project and tasks, prevention of errors in calculations when invoicing;

  • Improved collection of receivables without the intervention of additional resources of the company;

  • Automation of reporting and preparation of reports with key indicators at the departmental and project level, which can be analyzed in real-time;

  • Automated segmentation of customers and contacts based on sales history, participation in events, accelerated analysis of campaign results.

Tangible benefits

  • 100% increase in the visibility of the entire sales process;

  • 40% reduction of the time for generating reports;

  • 30% reduction of the time required for reporting of real and planned resources;

  • 40% increase in the timely collection of receivables;

  • 40% reduction in the time for ordering licenses from suppliers;

  • 50% reduction of the time for invoicing of hours worked;

  • 100% automation of the process of renewal of subscription contracts;

  • 45% reduction of the work of the accounting department on a monthly basis, generation of financial statements.



  • Senior and middle management;

  • Accounting;

  • Sales and Marketing Departments;

  • The Timesheets Management module is used by all employees of the company.


Projects co-financed by the European Union:

SEED Project  ( CIP-ICT-PSP- 2011-5) 

  • Overview
    The main goal of the project is to raise citizens’ awareness about existing e-Government contents and services in order they to be able to benefit from them. The target of SEED is to expand, through the “cloud computing” approach and a very cheap network of Interactive Public Service Advertising (i-PSA) kiosks and screens, the positive results of European Inclusive e-governance initiatives to boost “citizen-centric” e-government Services, to reuse as much as possible the European, National, Regional and Local stocks of Public Sector Information (PSI) and to leverage saving costs of e-Government and e-Governance deployments.

  • Funding
    The project is co-financed by the European Commission - Programme CIP (Competitiveness and Innovations).

  • Benefits
    The project SEED allows participating municipalities to provide attractive information about the services they offer, as well as about the events they organise. The information is placed at the citizen’s reach on numerous displays.

  • Activities
    In the project, there are 12 partners involved from 6 countries. BALKAN SERVICES is the technological partner for Municipality Varna, Bulgaria.
    On display on SEED platform are services and other useful information provided by the municipalities. The info is available on different devices - screens, kiosks, computers and mobile devices.

RFID-ROI-SME Project (CIP-ICT-PSP-2009-3) 

  • Overview
    The main goal of RFID-ROI-SME is to boost the adoption of RFID technology by wide SME communities, while at the same time creating business opportunities for innovative RFID solution providers within the EU. To this end, the project has integrated, deployed, organised and coordinated eight RFID pilots in six European countries (including one international pilot) covering different sectors. BALKAN SERVICES is a partner under the project, responsible for implementing RFID solution for warehouse management and logistics in a cable trading company in Bulgaria.

  • Funding
    The project is co-financed by the European Commission - Programme CIP (Competitiveness and Innovations).

  • Benefits
    Improved stock management by automating the stock processes: storage, logistics, etc. Better customer service due to the improved warehouse processes. Reduction of the percentage of the unused cables left-overs.

Main Code 

  • Overview
    Implementation of a Total Approach for Regional Maintenance Policies by development and implementation of integrated regional software.

  • Funding
    By European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013

  • Benefits
    The sustainable growth of the region is the focus of this project as it contributes to asset productivity, energy saving, safer labour conditions and reduction of environmental accidents.

  • Activities
    Five Greek and three Bulgarian partners are involved in the project – three academic institutions (two universities and one research institute) provide their research experience, three business chambers connect the project results to the business needs, a support organization and a municipal enterprise provide their knowledge on the maintenance processes.



  • Overview
    The AMCOM project is the basis for a complex modular qualification program / system for asset management including the workplace as a place of learning and recognition of skills acquired through informal learning. The main objectives of the project are the development of learning content and providing inexpensive learning opportunities in the field of asset management.

  • Funding
    The project is funded under the programme Erasmus+.

  • Benefits
    Providing inexpensive learning opportunities in the field of asset management
    Merging the application of European requirements for asset management 
    Educational content
    Training at the workplace and 
    Self-test for self-assessment.

  • Activities
    -  Development of learning outcome descriptions
    -  Learning outcome matrix as a multi-dimensional structure of competences, skills and expertise
    -  Modularized units of learning outcomes (curricula)
    -  Web-based training modules for selected skills according to the principles of problem-based learning (PBL)
    -  Online-based, competency-based self-test


New opportunities at Balkan Services

  • Overview
    Creating employment opportunities at Balkan Services.

  • Funding
    The project is 100% funded under Operational Programme Human Resources Development

  • Benefits
    Thanks to the granted funding Balkan Service has employed 12 new Business consultants. Apart from the salary cost for the newly employed consultants, the project covers acquiring office equipment and computers, as well as relevant trainings and courses, such as Specific Software courses, related to the software Balkan Services sells, as well courses in English language.

  • Activities
    - Employment of 12 new Business consultants at Balkan Services for 1 year
    - Professional training in business software implemented by Balkan Services
    - English courses
    - Purchase of new computers and other technical and office equipment 


Technological development of "Balkan Services" Ltd. by expanding its portfolio of offered (ERP) products

  • Overview
    Successful positioning on the market and further development of the software Atlantis II ERP SaaS as an innovative service for the Bulgarian market - Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

  • Funding
    The project is co-financed by the Operational Programme "Competitiveness" under funding procedure "Technological Modernisation for Small and Medium Enterprises".

  • Benefits
    BALKAN SERVICES reinforces its position as the leading provider of business solutions by offering its customers an integrated, high-tech ERP system in the cloud with low investments by the customer, easier implementation and access from the cloud.

  • Activities
    The main project activities are related to the investments in computers, servers, technical and marketing consulting services.


 X3 International - an innovative solution for financial analysis

  • Overview
    The X3Analyses solution provides high-quality financial analytics and analysis tools to carry out reliable and accurate business valuation, screening and benchmarking on the Securities, traded on the Stock Exchanges in Bulgaria, Poland, Croatia, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia and Macedonia.

  • Funding
    The project is co-financed by the Operational Programme "Competitiveness" under funding procedure "Support for commercialisation of innovative products, processes and services".

  • Benefits
    The X3Analyses software application comprises in a single and unified database the data from the quarterly and annual reports submitted by public entities in Bulgaria, Poland, Croatia, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia and Macedonia together with their daily market trading data. It provides reporting and analytical capabilities allowing the users to find, analyse and compare fundamental data for various companies and industries.

  • Activities
    The main project activities are related to the investments in server configurations, licenses and database required for the operation of the product. The consulting services used in the project support the implementation of the new functionalities, additional data processing and professional market research and analysis.