Start Ad

A project with European co-financing


Production of lead-acid batteries.


START AD is part of the MONBAT group. The main specialization of START AD is the production of high-quality batteries for heavy-duty vehicles.

Project Overview

The main goal of the project is to improve the working conditions in MONBAT AD in compliance with the norms and requirements of the occupational safety and health legislation.

Implementation of the project

Through financing for BGN 150,024.84 secured under the Human Resources Development (HRD) operational programme (OP) under the Safe Work grant scheme.

Achieved results

The improved working conditions contribute to increased labor productivity and production efficiency by creating conditions for rational use and organization of labor, materials and financial resources. Prerequisites have been created to reduce work accidents and occupational diseases.

Project activities

The following main activities were carried out under the project:

Analysis of the condition and design of the labor activity organization, as well as development and acquisition of standards for safe working conditions in connection with the introduction of new work equipment and technologies (OHSAS 18 001).

Personal protective equipment and special work clothes have been purchased for all employees in the enterprise increasing the safety at work.